Welcome to ESL Crosswords

Crosswords designed for teachers and learners of English as a second language

Elementary Crosswords


ESL Crosswords designed with simpler clues and vocabulary appropriate for elementary ESL learners.

Elementary Crosswords
Intermediate Crosswords


ESL Crosswords suitable for intermediate learners with a higher level of vocabulary and medium-difficulty clues.

Intermediate Crosswords
Advanced Crosswords


ESL Crosswords for advanced learners with more sophisticated vocabulary and challenging clues.

Advanced Crosswords

Online or PDF

All crosswords can be solved online or downloaded in PDF format.

Elementary Crosswords
Intermediate Crosswords
Advanced Crosswords
How to use this site

This site contains a selection of ESL crosswords specifically designed for students of English as a second language. The ESL crosswords are suitable for online use by students or can be downloaded for the classroom by teachers.

The ESL crosswords are available at elementary, intermediate and advanced levels with the difficultly level of both the target vocabulary and the clues adapted for each level. Select a topic above from either the elementary, intermediate or advanced categories and click on the link. This will take you to a page where you can either complete the ESL crossword online or download it in a variety of PDF formats to suit your needs. All the materials on this site are provided free of charge.

For further information about the site and its author, see the about page.